Monday, December 10

"watchu want"

Hello, there~
I'm in the mood to blog tonight which is really strange for me because I'd usually rather take a nap or eat sesame sticks than publish my life to the internet.

So Christmas/other winter celebrations and my birthday (the day before Christmas) are coming up, and a lot of people have been asking me
"watchu want"
"watchu like"
and I never have an answer for them.

so I was inspired to draw this:
It's not true, of course.
Well I don't think it's true. But you could argue the opposite. It's been done.
but really i like tons of things

Something I noticed today is that all (or the two that I have access to) foreign language textbooks have really odd pictures in the chapters about visiting the doctor.
Here's one from my friend's Spanish textbook.
it kind of just..irks you, right?
And this guy was in my French textbook.

In preparation for the holiday season, Audrey (because she is LITERALLY MY ONLY FRIEND and the ONLY PERSON WORTHY OF BEING MENTIONED IN EVERY SINGLE BLOG POST OF MINE /sarcasm) and I went to a hippie center to make ornaments out of old magazines.
The ornaments turned out to just be a really bad mess, so we had fun with the magazine pictures instead.
Here's me being super seductive.

Speaking of being attractive, I think this photo will nicely wrap up this post:
my loyal subject kavya

Have a wonderful day (: 

1 comment:

Audrey said...

You're hugging your subject? How dare you touch a commoner! D:<

Also, yes I'm the only friend that deserves to be mentioned in every post. Why? Because I was born that way. *flips hair in a mean girl fashion*